Frequently Asked Questions


We have provided a number of answers to regularly asked questions below.

You may also find the information you need amongst the links displayed here.

We have also provided downloadable documents and other information here.

If you need information, and cannot find it here or on the links page, please complete the Contact Us form.

A group that is organised and run by people who expect no payment for their services, and do so as volunteers, of their own free will.

Well, Mancetter and nearby villages get to be included, too.

This website is dedicated to focus attention on Atherstone, Mancetter, and nearby centres, and those groups and clubs that provide services, as volunteers, to the public, as part of what they do.

We cannot possibly cover the global offerings.

We can, however, offer you a few links to other volunteer-run organisations on our links page.

Yes, if it is run by volunteers.

Complete the form here, and we will get back to you.

Yes. Just send the information using the form here, and we will add you to the list.

Probably because we haven't been asked to do so, or we do not have sufficient information.

We contacted a lot of organisations when we started out; it's possible the contact information we could find was out of date.

Just fill in the form and we will look into it.